Friday, August 3, 2018

Psychology - The Middle Path of Experiential Psychology

If one takes a broad perspective on the development of Western psychotherapy, looking in the broadest possible terms at everything that has been written under the umbrella of “psychology”, the most natural way of dividing the field is between those thinkers who predominantly sought to use subjective observations about the nature and behavior of their own mind to establish an understanding of how all human minds work, versus those who sought to use the outward manifestations of human consciousness, typically research generated by scientific studies and brain imaging, to better grasp what lies within. Owing to the former's reliance on the experience of a single mind and the latter's foundation in experimental research, we can call these two camps experiential and experimental psychology.

Psychology - A Sampling and Summary of the Neurological and Psychological Research on Meditation

This is a small sampling of some of the recent research that has been done on the efficacy of meditation practice. I have tried my best to summarize the findings in a way that is understandable to a laymen (like myself) with misrepresenting anything, while bolstering my assessment with quotations from the abstract and results sections of the articles in question.